17 octubre, 2011

Homenaje a John en Islandia en su 71 cumpleaños


Dicen que era un soñador: Imagine Peace Tower iluminó al cumpleaños de 71a marca de John Lennon
                                            11 de octubre 2011

La viuda de John Lennon, Yoko Ono y Sean, el hijo de la pareja han cambiado en la Torre de Paz Imagine en Islandia para celebrar lo que habría sido el cumpleaños 71a del músico.

Ambos participaron en el evento anual de ayer en Videy Island, que se encuentra cerca de la capital islandesa de Reykjavik.

La torre es un monumento al ex Beatle y fue creado para honrar a su campaña para promover la paz mundial.

  La iluminación de la noche: La Torre de Paz Imagine se encendió ayer por un mes para celebrar lo que habría sido el cumpleaños de John Lennon 71años.

La torre consta de una altura 'torre de luz' que se proyecta desde una base de piedra blanca que explica las palabras "Imagine Peace" tallada en ella en 24 idiomas diferentes.

Los aficionados acudieron a la ceremonia especial realizada en la torre cada año.

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They say he was a dreamer: Imagine Peace Tower lit up to mark John Lennon's 71st birthday                                              11th October 2011

John Lennon's widow Yoko Ono and the couple's son Sean have switched on the Imagine Peace Tower in Iceland to celebrate what would have been the musician's 71st birthday.

They both attended the annual event yesterday on Videy Island, which is located close to the Icelandic capital of Reykjavik.

The tower is a memorial to the former Beatle and was created to honour his campaign to promote world peace.

 Lighting up the night: The Imagine Peace Tower was switched on yesterday for another month to celebrate what would have been John Lennon's 71st birthday

The tower consists of a tall 'tower of light' that is projected from a white stone base that spells out the words 'Imagine Peace' carved into it in 24 different languages.
Fans flocked to the special ceremony held at the tower every year.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047519/John-Lennons-71st-birthday-Yoko-Ono-Sean-light-Imagine-Peace-Tower.html#ixzz1b2YJzZGA

Lighting up the night: The Imagine Peace Tower was switched on yesterday for another month to celebrate what would have been John Lennon's 71st birthday


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